Create an interactive menu component that can be customized for any type of website. In our example, we’ll look at different types of pasta. This Know Your Pasta component can …
A step-by-step solution to freeCodeCamp’s Tribute Page Challenge. I’ll be using FCC’s codepen tribute page example as a reference. This is purely a CSS and HTML project – keep in …
Create an animated beating heart using only HTML and CSS for a fun little side project that will let you explore the CSS animation properties. Objective: Make a heart shape …
Make a simple animated button using only HTML and CSS to add a little charm to your projects. As a reference, we’ll be using Shawn Rossouw’s awesome-looking Futuristic Button design. …
Create a sign-up form using only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The goal is to make the sign-up form responsive (adaptable to different screen sizes) and interactive (something happens when the …